Make The Best Impression On Those That Mean The Most To Your Business

There is a long checklist for creating a successful event; venue. food, entertainment, accommodations, travel, etc.

There is a singular word to describe why Fortune 1000 companies trust Bison Entertainment with their most-important events: excellence.

From creating the "wow" factor to meticulously attending to details, Bison Entertainment specializes in transforming corporate events into life-long memories.

Event Testimonial: Dell

Client Needs: an event in NYC including online guest invitation and registration, name badges and check in, A/V equipment for presentations, bar and dinner, entertainment and an unforgettable experience.

Bison Entertainment Delivered: on all of the client needs, including cigar rollers as entertainment, customized cigar cutters with client logo, customized favors and an unforgettable view of the NYC Harbor.

Results: "I felt compelled to send another note about Bison Entertainment. You are AMAZING. We had some last minute issues come up with a rep last week and you just handled it without any hesitation. You are proactive, calm and resourceful. You never make anything seem impossible and your follow through is impeccable.”